Louise B Andrew MD JD FACEP is a seasoned professional, with over 25 years in counseling physicians in distress, following a distinguished career in emergency medicine. In addition to other professional honors, Dr. Andrew has received the James D. Mills Award, the American College of Emergency Physicians highest award for service to the specialty of Emergency Medicine, as reported in EM News.
Here is a partial list of Dr. Andrew's presentations and institutional clients. If you would like to consider a professional presentation on the issue of physician depression and suicide, please contact Dr. Andrew using the form below.
Any suggestions for improvement in this site or possible sponsorship would be greatly appreciated.
Dr. Andrew can be reached via feedback form. If you are in a crisis, however, please consult a psychiatrist, your local physician health program (after reading this page please) or emergency department, or call a suicide hotline. A related website, www.physiciansuicide.org has other useful information of particular relevance to physicians. Never Give Up Hope! Depression is an EMINENTLY TREATABLE disease, most especially in physicians.